Scootin' Toward the Weekend

Feels like forever since I’ve had a three-day weekend, although pretty sure my last one was about two months ago for the 4th of July.  I haven’t taken any vacation time yet, other than to attend funerals and go to doctor’s appointments, which is definitely not a good use of vacation time, if you ask me.  Part of me wishes I would have taken Tuesday off, as well as having Labor Day off, but I have some time-sensitive issues going on at work right now, and it’s all going down on Wednesday, which means that Tuesday will be absolute hell, and I don’t think my boss would have given it off to me even if I’d asked. 

Looking back, this has been a rather glorious past week.  We went camping last weekend, out to dinner on Monday for Dad’s birthday, over to QoB’s last night for dinner, and this weekend we’re going to Dr. Love’s hometown until Sunday.  On Sunday, we’ll come back to our little town and have a shrimp fry at QoB’s on Sunday, then a home improvement project on Monday with QoB and Big Dog, getting our rock patio finished. 

I cannot WAIT for the patio to be done so Dr. Love and I can sit out there in the cooler fall evenings with the fire pit blazing, sitting on our oh-so-comfortable lawn furniture!  I will do my best to get before and after pics…I’m getting giddy just thinking about it.  Nothing better than a little camp-fire on a glorious fall evening.  We may even break out marshmallows.  Actually knowing Dr. Love, we WILL be breaking out the marshmallows, OFTEN. 

 I have not been visiting and commenting on blogs as well as I had been there for awhile.  I’m not sure what the deal is, but it seems like we have been so busy lately!  Just a couple of weeks ago I was bemoaning the lack of activity in my life, but when I stop and think about it, Dr. Love and I stay pretty busy, between working, keeping up with the house, and visiting family. 

So, Dr. Love and I will be hosting our little home reno project on Monday, and I’m thinking about what I want to have for snacks, drinks, dinner.  I have some ideas about food, have still not decided what to put on the grill, but one thing for sure — we need some great cocktails!  My mom will likely drink beer, but Big Dog loves a little vodka tonic and I think he would also really like a frozen mojito.  When Dr. Love’s parents came into town, my mom found these little pre-mixed pouches of mojitos, margaritas, daquiries (sp?), etc that you just throw in the freezer and they come out in big serving sized drinks.  I’m thinking it’s time to hit the liquor store for some of those!

Another band I would totally go see again if they come close to home again.  Rock on Mr. Petty, rock on!

Free Fallin’, Tom Petty

One thought on “Scootin' Toward the Weekend

  1. O.M.G. My new gravatar is to-die-for “ME.” Courtesy of me. 😀

    BTW, didn’t the title of this sort of beg out for some Boot-Scootin’ Boogy music instead of Petty? 😀


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