October in Kansas


Above shot is blurry and distorted, and I’m not sure what it was shot with.  I’m pretty sure the photo credit for this goes to Karen Sexton, the mom of an old friend from grade school.  I happened upon it and it is really TRULY what it looks along the roadside in Kansas in October.  It was taken off the road in St. Francis, KS.

I couldn’t get this image out of my head, all through my workday, and into the evening.  I thought I would share it here because I feel like it is special, like it tells stories about me, even if you can’t hear them.

You may recognize me in this photo, and say, “Ahhh yes, there’s Rosa girl, from the flat lands of Kansas, with her dog and a lot of hope in her heart.”

And Rosa responds with a wave, a smile, and keeps trudging up the (so steep) Kansas hills.



10 thoughts on “October in Kansas

  1. It’s a lovely photo and it makes me miss Kansas. Nebraska isn’t too much different, but Kansas holds a lot of memories for me.

    I’m glad to hear there’s still hope, that’s very important. *HUGS*


  2. Rosa, it’s good to see you back at it. I lived in Nebraska for a few years. My daughter grew up there so I’m still there a lot. People think of both states as flat and ugly. The picture and your words show otherwise.


  3. I love the golden tree and the flowing grass. Every place is beautiful in its own way. Sometimes I really yearn for something you have in flatter place — vistas and open spaces. Uncluttered with trees and houses. Places that give you a feeling of openness and space. Very lovely.

    Hope is a very good thing to have. Hang on to that.


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