
No worries, Adriana.  Your blog award is the very next post which will be typed right after I finish this one.  Yours takes more creativity and I have to warm up first.  🙂

Okay, a very ridiculously long time has passed since my last post.  I find it PREFER-able 🙂  to post more frequently and know that my faithful 13.79 fans would also appreciate this.  Unfortunately, I have a hard time making it to the computer some days and on most days an even harder time offering up what has been going on lately. 

So I survived the holidays.   They weren’t painful this year as some years they have been, although I did have a good four-hour cry a few days before Christmas that Matt witnessed as my first real freaking out in front of him.  As QoB told him last night, “meh, that’s nothing.”

I attribute some of this holiday joy to the fact that I did nothing with DHut’s relatives.  They got together, QoB and DHut were invited via a phone call, Ab was called by one of their party, I was not.  I don’t really take this personally since I have pretty much written off that side of the family other than one uncle and one aunt.  Does it hurt in some deep dark place?  I pondered that, and the answer is, no, not really.  I just chalk it up to one more reason why they’re not my kind of people. 

Christmas this year was very laid-back.  For the most part, we made presents for each other and didn’t do up a big meal.  It was a very thoughtful and meaningful Christmas, all around.

For New Years, Matt worked a double and I worked 8-5.  He came home, we ate dinner, and watched the ball drop on TV (which is not nearly as cool as it used to be).  We then promptly went to bed.  I had to work early the next morning and so did he.  My hard-core partying days have been over for awhile now.  Hallelujah and Amen and pass the damn salt, Fannie.

Since the holidays have been over, I’ve just been doing my thing, working and spending time with Matt and QoB and DHut and sleeping.  I’ve been working on not spending money, and now that we’re over our little post Christmas spending spree, I think we’re done for awhile.

The past few days have been a wee bit stressful on me and a lot on Matt.  He is losing his job officially on Monday and nothing else is concrete yet.  We have some leads and he has money in savings, so we’re not terrified yet, but any well wishes sent toward us would be welcome. 

Matt and I are going to start working on being more social (bleh) and getting out more.  We’re going to go watch basketball this Wednesday and have other plans to go to the movies and get out for some good walks on the trails at a nearby lake.  My schedule is changing from second shift to more days and mid-shift, so hopefully I will be able to get into more of a routine, as it is absolutely necessary for my mental health (which I sometimes neglect). 

Work has been going really well for me.  My six-month review went great and I’ve had one official atta-boy since the first of the year and was just told that a few more were in store for me here in the upcoming week.  I am thinking about putting in for a supervisory position, but haven’t totally decided yet.  Retail is really suiting me and has really provided the break from clinical work that I have needed.  I have no desire to return, other than to make that kind of money again. 

Bonnie Raitt and Norah Jones, Tennessee Waltz

2 thoughts on “Wowza

  1. Ahem…

    “Although some U.S. dictionaries now recognize the pronunciation of “preferably” with the first two syllables pronounced just like “prefer”—first “E” long and the stress on the second syllable—the standard pronunciation is “PREFFerublee,” with the first syllable stressed, just like in “preference.” The alternative pronunciation sounds awkward to some people.”

    Where’s the salt? Where’s the Salt? Pass the G-D Salt!!

    And that’s about all I have to say about this post.


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